Over the years, the Group’s Associate Scheme has helped hundreds of local drivers reach the standard required to pass the Advanced Driving Test. The test itself is conducted by examiners employed by the IAM all of whom have reached Police advanced level, as well as having much additional driving experience.
The Scheme has been developed to give you all the basic skills and background you will need to prepare for the test. However please remember that it is your driving skills and competence that are being examined, so very few reach the level expected without some practice and guidance.
As an Associate you can attend a series of monthly Observed Drive sessions, where your driving abilities will be assessed by one of the Group’s Observers. These volunteers are all full IAM members who have taken extra training to provide ongoing feedback. Indeed many of them started with us as Associates!
Initially, you will be invited to a Welcome Session where we will both explain and demonstrate our basic approach to the driving task. This also gives you the opportunity to meet other new Associates and some of the Observers. You will then have your first (shortened) Observed Drive which will give you some idea of your individual practice needs before your next drive.
Subsequent Observed Drives will give you further feedback as you progress towards test level. You will be advised when we think you are ready. There are always some refreshments around and plenty of like-minded people to talk to, so you won’t be alone!
As well as the regular Observed Drive sessions, you will be very welcome at the Group’s regular meetings at Crofton Halls in Orpington. You can bring a guest if you wish. The topics at the meetings are usually motoring related and give further opportunities to talk about motoring with others. There are also a number of outside events (e.g. Skid Pan visits) in which you can participate. These do usually have a small additional charge.
You will receive the Group’s regular newsletter SEGMENT. This contains news and snippets and details of forthcoming events. Your first copy should arrive with the arrangements for your Welcome Session.
Although road safety is a serious matter, we like to keep things as informal and friendly as we can – a kind of serious fun if you like. The very fact that you are visiting this website and are reading it shows your intent and we very much hope we can welcome you to our Group soon.